How to Build a Readership with Blogging by Debby Gies and a progress update

I’ve finished my major re-writes and secondary edits for my upcoming sequel to An Uncertain Faith, entitled An Uncertain Confidence. This means the time has come to start talking with professional editors.

Admittedly, I could have, and probably should have, already had this conversation in order to a spot in an editor’s queue, but I wasn’t sure what my writing output would be after starting the new job. Therefore, I opted to hold off until I was sure I’d gotten it in a decent enough position to be handed off to anyone.

Such is flexibility that is self-publishing.

While I might be ready to hand off An Uncertain Confidence to an editor, there is still much to do before this book will be made available to the general public. In all probability, there will be yet another round of re-writes following editorial recommendations as well as a round of proof-reading or two (as typos have a way of waiting until you hit the publish button before they magically become visible to the naked eye). Then there is the oh-so-much fun process of lining up advanced reviews or preparing my pre-sales book launch marketing and I’m responsible for it all.

Because this is the joy that is self-publishing too.

For those of you considering going down this road too, which has been rewarding while being exhausting (much like being a parent is), I encourage you to check out an article recently published over on the Carrot Ranch Literary community on how to build a readership through blogging by fellow indie author, Debby Gies.

How to Build a Readership with Blogging and Prepare for Publishing

by Debby Gies

As writers who choose to self-publish, we must understand that we’ve chosen to be not only writers but publishers, marketers, and promoters of our work because these components are all essential parts of running a business. Yes, your business! If we intend to sell books, it’s in our best interests to learn about these things as well as building an author platform. If we don’t put in the time to promote our work, our books will surely sit and collect dust on the virtual shelves, lost in a sea of hundreds of thousands of other books…

To read more visit the source at the Carrot Ranch Literary Community Platform: Self-Publishing

As a way of saying thank you for your continued patience, I’d like to offer you with this sneak peek at the cover for An Uncertain Confidence

Set five years after the events of An Uncertain Faith (now available for Kindle, iBook, Nook, and other e-readers), Charlotte’s life is on an upward swing. She’s business partners with her best friend and her art is finally getting noticed.

Nothing could possibly go wrong – until everything does.

After a disastrous evening out, which results in the hospitalization of her friend’s husband, Charlotte is forced to seek other help to keep her business afloat, while juggling the ever-present demands of motherhood.  As a result, she has the potential to grow as a person and as an independent business owner in ways she never anticipated, but in doing so will also learn just how dangerous trusting the wrong person can be.

While the first book centered around family, this one focuses on the value of friendship, trust, and the often lengths we go to protect those we love.

19 thoughts on “How to Build a Readership with Blogging by Debby Gies and a progress update

  1. Great post, Allie. Writing is a slog but we love it which is why we are slaves to it. Well done on your new book. The blurb sounds great.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for sharing my post from the Ranch here Allie. I’m so glad you found it helpful. And wishing you much success with your book. 🙂 ❤


    1. Thanks, Debby, and thank you for the wonderful write-up. It can feel a little overwhelming at times, but at least you never have to worry about finding yourself with nothing to do.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I admire your ability to do all that you do. The cover is beautiful. I can see how it motivates you to keep going, finish this book… and start a third one? And now I’m off to visit the Carrot Ranch Literary Community. Thanks for the link.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I’m working on the next book in my other series at the same time as I’m finishing up this one, which is a challenge, but a good one (I hope).

      The carrot ranch is a great space for sampling new writers. Enjoy!

      Liked by 1 person

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