Never doubt a dog in the snow

Never #doubt a dog in the snow -

“Don’t knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn’t start a conversation if it didn’t change once in a while.” – Kin Hubbard

The white death dropped over the weekend, covering my home and the surrounding area in a blanket of ice and snow, which melted and only to become more ice. Lamont and I debated how or dog would take the change in weather. I maintained that having spent the first few years of her life as a stray, she would turn a nose up at the stuff now as there are reasons I refer to her as Her Royal Highness.

It seemed like such a good idea at the time - aka before
It seemed like such a good idea at the time – aka before

Opening the door, it was my intent to take a photograph of her reaction to the wintery mix and quickly return inside. I stepped out onĀ our porch wearing only a set of pajamas. Her Royal Highness followed. She took one dignified step forward. Then another. Her nose touched white stuff on the ground. There was no bounding around. No rolling around,Ā digging, or otherwise acting mystified. I knew it!Ā SnapĀ went my camera. “Okay, let’s go back inside,” I called and turned expecting her to pass me, only too happy to return to the warmth indoors.

Her Royal Highness had other ideas.

The frozen ground crunched as sheĀ trotted down the street as if it was a beautiful 80 degrees F rather than 20. “Where are you going?” I called. “Get back here now.” I should have saved my frozen breath.

“Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.” – Mark Twain

With no other choice in front of me, I took off after her, bare feet and all.

Her Royal Highness looked up and wagged her tail misinterpreting my presence to mean this stroll around the grounds was now sanctioned trotted further. I shouted her name a few more times. She sniffed a bush. My feet burnt with the cold as I closed the distance between us and could only imagine what I must look like to my neighbors – my hair, still wild from sleep, was now covered in ice crystals and bit of snow. My toes leaving tiny naked prints where I ran. I called some more, repeating the command to return while infusing my voice with my best mom tone. Her Royal Highness, still the embodiment of confidence, sniffed another bushĀ as if she hadn’t a care in the world.

“Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a rowboat and taking tartar sauce with you.” – Zig Ziglar

Great. This is what I get for thinking she wouldn’t be able to handle a bit of cold.

dog in a blanket
After – aka blankets that weren’t offered to me

I was still several feet away when she suddenly turned around and walked, most regally, back to our yard, up the stairs, and inside where she promptly buried herself under a blanket.Ā My boys, celebrating her return, joyously covered her with even more blankets. She burrowed deep and was asleep long before the feeling completely returned to my toes. Clearly, I won’t be making a living wage on the casino floor anytime soon.

“A career is wonderful, but you can’t curl up with it on a cold night.” – Marilyn Monroe

There are a few lessons to be learned here. There are the obvious ones: don’t let you pet off leash in an open space, even if cars aren’t driving and only nuts like yourself are out and about, unless you are confident they will respond to voice commands or always wear proper footwear even if you only think you will be in the elements for a split second, but the bigger one here is there is no glamour to be had in publicly doubting another and even less fame in doubting one’s self.

*quotes courtesy of Photography is my own.

31 thoughts on “Never doubt a dog in the snow

  1. Crazy woman! Mind you we have our first snow in an age falling right now – London is bereft of snow these days – where is Dickens when you need him to write it back it our script – so I’m hoping to introduce Dog to it tomorrow and see what happens. I have a strong feeling it will be confusion and a degree of free form romping. So I will be all a’wrapped and learn from your mistake. Hope your nails don’t fall off – the post zombie look is not making a comeback for toe models I hear.


    1. I guess there goes yet another potential career option.

      I am sorely disappointed to hear snow in London isn’t a regular thing. Hollywood tells us it snows there constantly. Especially around Christmas, Valentine’s Day, or whenever a timely obstacle must manipulate a romance. I feel so betrayed.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know, we were always a tricksty nation, telling fibs about our history, and weather. When Britain claimed so much red on the map that a quarter of the world was technically the ‘Empire’ it was said that the sun never set on the British Empire. What wasn’t said was the reason was because God couldn’t trust the British in the dark…

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What a great story! Her Royal Highness may have started life as a beggar but she has certainly taken her queenliness to heart. Obviously in the future you, her loyal servant, must remember to wear proper footwear at all times. šŸ˜‰

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I hate to say it, but you really should have prepared a little better before you went out, Allie. (Sorry to be so harsh!) At the very least, you should have attached a small barrel of brandy to your dog’s collar. That way, had the worst come to the worst and you found yourself barefoot and in danger of succumbing to the snowy chill, you could have drunk all the brandy to warm you up, karate chopped the barrel into two halves, and then worn them on your feet as clogs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Parenting is totally another one of those ideas that sounded great at the time. šŸ˜„

      I wrote that just a second before my youngest ran over with for a random snuggle hug, so either he is reading above grade level, or there may be some perks greater than the cost of a few blankets.

      Liked by 1 person

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