An Uncertain Faith – Review

5 star review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers’ Favorite

An Uncertain Faith by Allie Potts is the story of a woman whose faith in her husband and marriage is thoroughly tested. Charlotte finds herself with increasingly less time on her hands, trying to hold down a job and run the family home while her husband, Fletcher, tries to get his business off the ground. When the opportunity for a weekend away with the girls arises, Charlotte takes it and her husband promises to take their son, Jake, on a weekend camping trip. When Charlotte gets back home, neither her son or husband are there, but the camping gear is. After reporting their disappearance to the police, Charlotte begins to suspect her husband has left her, taking Jake with him. But things happen to change her mind and she digs in, risking her own job and her relationship with her mother and sister, determined to prove that there is another explanation for their disappearance.

In An Uncertain Faith, Allie Potts has given us a story of courage, of faith tested to the core, and of undisputed conviction. It’s a wonderfully well-written book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This was one of those books that I promised myself I would put down when I had finished the chapter I was reading but, instead, found myself continuing to read well into the night! Wonderful storyline, the whole book flows naturally and readers will enjoy the many clues that Charlotte turns up in her bid to find her husband and child before it is too late.